Sunday, March 1, 2015

Winner and Loser

Let me start out by saying I accomplished my one month Weight Watcher goal. Down 20 pounds!!! I have to say it was easier than I thought it would be. I did not work out (something I am working on for month 2). I like being able to eat whatever I want (within moderation).  

The biggest challenges I had this past month was buying 1 and 2 point snacks but then eating 3 or 4 of them in a day (because hey I'm fat and obviously have very little will power).  I've learned to only buy ONE snack item per week and then stick with 0 point fruits/veggies for the rest of my daily snacks and/or hunger pains.

I also tried to buy a few smart ones per week for when I'm wanting something "bad" such as the Chicken and Fries, Chicken Sandwiches, and Hamburgers.  That keeps temptations at bay and helps me stick to my points.  Just say NO to the dessert smart ones though...having those in the freezer (for me anyways) is a guarantee that I will go over my points for one day.  

So how did I end my 4 week weight loss success!?!?  I ordered Pizza Hut stuffed crust pizza. No I am not kidding. My husband is gone for business this weekend and next week...I was feeling pretty lonely and sad without him.  Ate FOUR pieces (49 WW points).  Was sick to my stomach ALL night and let's not even talk about the guilt that ensued afterwards.  But you know's a new day and a new month!!!!  I'm striving for another twenty pounds this month....woo woo let's do this!!!

Anyways, me and James stayed home from church today because of the weather.  I made some breakfast blueberry oatmeal muffins and honey roasted chickpeas for the week for him.

I think it's safe to say the muffins were a HIT.

1 comment:

  1. He is so handsome! Congrats on your success; that's amazing! You are doing way better than I am!
