Tuesday, September 30, 2014

8 Months Old

Almost 18 pounds last we checked. 
He's still wearing mostly 6 month clothes but has a few 3-6 month outfits that he can wear.
Still nursing 4-5 times a day.  Typically, he wakes up and nurses at 7am, breakfast at 8 (oatmeal & apples), nurses at 11, lunch at 12:30 (yogurt & banana), nurses at 3, dinner at 6 (whatever we're eating), and final nursing right before bed at 7:30.
 He only takes two naps a day now.  Usually takes a nap at 10am and 2pm.  Goes to bed at 7:30pm and sleeps till 7am.  As from my previous post most of you know how thankful I am he's sleeping so well now in his OWN room in his OWN bed.  Praise Jesus! :)
James can crawl, sit, stand, and walk as long as he's holding onto furniture.
He has his two bottom teeth.
Eating (he comes by it honestly...ha), bath time, momma's makeup bag, looking out the window, shopping, walks in his stroller, and going to the park to swing!!!
Diaper changes, naps, when meal time is over, and initially when he's put in his car seat (once he's buckled in he's fine).
I can't believe he's already 8 months old.  He is the light of our life and I don't know how we ever lived without him.  I thank God EVERY day for a healthy boy and having another day to spend with him.  He loves his daddy more than anything and I know he's going to be a daddy's boy for sure!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Quinoa Chili

As most of you know...me and my lovely husband have two very different "diets".  He is doing keto (low carb) and I'm eating semi clean and counting calories.  On Sunday, our food prep day, I made myself: sausage egg cups, quinoa chili, and meatloaf muffins.  For Jamie, I made bacon egg cups, bacon chili, and bacon wrapped chicken (basically bacon everything). 
Obviously, I was not going to eat his bacon chili (very fatty) so I made myself a guilt-free chili.  Y'all it's AMAZING!!!  I try to find recipes that me and baby James can eat so I don't have to cook his own food as well.  He loved it and ate a pretty good size serving.  The recipe says 6 servings but I think it makes 10 BIG servings.
If you'd like the recipe go check out Chungah's blog here!!!  I can't take any credit for the recipe and followed it precisely to her instructions

Left overs...YUM!

Perfect fall meal!!!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Confessional Friday: {Link Up}

I confess that I have become addicted to watching Call the Midwife on Netflix this week.  So much so that I believe I watched an entire season in ONE day. 
I confess I'm THAT friend who doesn't answer her phone but will text you immediately back.  I hate talking on the phone.  However, moving 7 hours away from all my friends and family this year has made me realize that talking on the phone and hearing a loved ones voice is far better than any text I could receive. 
I confess that I've lost 5 pounds this week but I'm scared to step on the scale today after I ate an entire bag of peanut M&M's (and I ain't talking about the small individual bags) over the course of a day yesterday (only like 1,200 calories).  Gahhhhh WHY WHY WHY!?!?
*Maybe it could have been the fact that my poor teething baby had such a rough day yesterday I couldn't even put him down to use the bathroom...
I confess that I'm a STRESS EATER. Ha...that might be an understatement! 
I confess that God has really been working on my heart about what I post on facebook and instagram.   We tend to only want to share materialistic things or ourselves looking perfectly put together which leads to everyone seeing a picture perfect life.  I encourage us to post pictures and share things with a joyful pure heart and not one of self indulgence, boastfulness, and conceitedness.    
I confess that this has been the first confessional Friday I've participated in! :)

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Dutch Apple Pie

We went to my parent's house over Labor Day and my mom made this amazing apple pie!!! Even baby James loved it...hehe.  Here is the recipe...

Hope you enjoy this recipe! Perfect for this coming fall and the holidays...
I have been so bad about keeping up my blog and posting.  I hope to make it more of a priority in the future but having a little one with me 24/7 makes it a wee bit difficult.  I'm hoping to post his 8 month photos tomorrow as he is 8 MONTHS TODAY!!! Woo Woo!!!
Here's what we've been dealing with the past month...
So we did what all parents are warned against doing...co-sleeping.  Once James hit 7 months old we were determined to get him in his crib and cut down on his night time nursing.  Now let me add we tried many approaches and everything failed.  After talking to our parents and getting advice we finally decided to try the Ferber method.  At first we were totally against this because the thought of leaving him in his room crying seemed cruel...but desperate times call for desperate measures (desperate meaning sleep deprived).  The first few nights were SO hard.  The books say it usually takes about a week but it took us about 3 weeks before he was "Ferberized".  First week it took him about 30-45 minutes of crying and us going back and forth every 10 minutes before he fell asleep.  Second and third week it was about 10-20 minutes of crying before he fell asleep.  BUT now I nurse him and then lay him in his crib and he immediately rolls onto his stomach and falls asleep.  It's a miracle!!!
He now sleeps from 7:30 pm to about 7 am EVERY time.  I am a firm believer of the Ferber method now.  Before, when he slept with us, we went to bed around 9-9:30 pm and slept till 6 am and then he would wake up every 3 hours to nurse in between that and he just didn't sleep well.  He would fuss in his sleep and wake us up hourly.  I am so thankful those days are behind us.  James sleeps better and has done great without the nightly nursing.
Mom and dad are thankful for time together every night to unwind, to watch tv, catch up on chores, and sleep ALL night like we used to! :) 
***Ferber method is not for everyone but it worked for us and we're extremely happy with the results. I don't think the 3 weeks of crying will cause him any long term psychological issues.