Monday, March 9, 2015


Mornings tend to be chaotic (especially Monday mornings after daylight savings). I try to keep things pretty simple and easy. I also try and get as many vegetables packed into one meal as possible. Since James cannot drink cows milk and almond milk only has a small percentage of calcium in comparison I try to make sure he eats lots of leafy greens. BUT try getting a 13 month old to eat spinach and kale right out of the bag. Ha!

All that being said, I try to find recipes that I can either make in bulk, have hidden vegetables, and are cheap. Lately, James will not let me feed him SO everything I make I try to bake in mini muffin tins so he can handle it himself. 

One of our very favorites the last few months have been pancakes (I use Jiffy mix and the recipe on the box but omit the oil with plain yogurt, eggs with egg whites, and whole milk with almond milk). They taste exactly the same plus they also are ONLY 2 WW points per pancake!!! The recipe makes 15 pancakes (1/4 cup of batter per pancake). I love to freeze them and then pop them out during the morning rush. 

I also really like doing muffins. Muffins are always easy AND cheap. Spinach muffins are James favorite right now and it calls for an entire bag of spinach which is AWESOME! I will post the recipe later this week. 

This morning I made him...

Mini Frittatas

6 Eggs
1/2 cup ham chunks (or ground sausage)
1/4 cup chopped spinach
1/4 bell pepper chopped
1/4 cup almond milk
1/3 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1-2 tsp. ground pepper (to taste)

Preheat your oven to 350. Saute ham, bell peppers, and spinach for about 3 minutes. Then, evenly distribute mixture into 24 mini muffin cups (be sure to spray your muffin tin with oil to avoid sticking). Whisk together eggs and milk. Fill each cup with egg mixture to about 3/4 full. Sprinkle with black pepper. Lastly, add cheese on top. Bake for 10 minutes. This recipe can be altered to your liking by using a different meat or omitting it all together, adding mushrooms or other veggies, and anything else you might think of. 

Safe to say he thoroughly enjoyed them!

Typically, I try to give him a serving of fruit, vegetables, and protein for breakfast. This morning he had 1/2 cup almond milk, 1 cup green smoothie, 1/2 cup raspberries, and 3 mini frittatas. One suggestion I have for moms of toddlers is try to sneak as many fruits and vegetables into smoothies or juice. I don't buy fruit juices because my pediatrician recommended me not to (makes kids fat in his opinion). So I try to make everything from home with fresh ingredients. However, this is one thing I do buy James and he gulps it down before he touches anything else...

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