Thursday, January 9, 2014

"Perfect mom"....?

As most of my family and friends know I've had a difficult week.  Discouraged and exhausted are two words that come to mind.  Your body getting ready for labor can leave you quite hormonal and emotional in the last few days.  I worry most about being able to take care of a newborn, being a good role model and raising Godly children, and overall just being a "perfect mom". 
With all the expectations comes excitement from our family and friends.  I know everyone wants him to be here NOW (trust do I).  Every morning I wake up to several dozen emails and texts asking how I'm feeling and if I think today is the day.  It has left me feeling inadequate and rushed.  I know I can't do anything to get him here quicker but I feel like I am doing something wrong and he should be here NOW.  I am so thankful to have so many people that genuinely care and are excited as we are to welcome baby Arnold into the world.  I've realized that I need to just relax and enjoy my last few days of solitude and rest. 
Yesterday, a light bulb went off and I knew what I should have been doing all along instead of wallowing in discouragement.  I needed to be spending time meditating over scripture and being in prayer with God.  I know the next few months I will be away from my church family and my daily quiet times with God will be few and far between.  So...the last few days I've been soaking up all the time I can.  I've been reflecting on what it truly means to be a "perfect mom" and studying scripture on what GOD (not everyone else) calls me to do as a mother and wife.  Knowing that God has chosen me and blessed me to be a mother is so humbling.
I was led to read this book this week and it has been such an encouragement and so inspiring when I desperately needed it.  The author talks about being a "Proverbs 31 Woman" and she gives so many great examples and tips to do this and what it truly means. 
I also found great insight and encouragement on being a homemaker and how big of a responsibility and role that is.  I get rude and sarcastic comments ALL time about not working and staying at home.  I feel the judgment and stigma that is put on me.  I have become somewhat private in discussing a lot of my parenting views with family and friends because of the backlash I've already been given. 
Just my decision on cloth diapers caused such an uproar.  I cannot tell you how many negative comments I've gotten on this (even from complete strangers).  The decision for us strictly came down to money.  Trust one wants to wash poopy diapers. :)
In the end, you have to do what is right for you and your family by seeking and asking God through prayer and scripture.  I hope to share more tidbits on here what that means for our family but for now this soon-to-be momma is going to rest and relax.

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