Yesterday morning was quite eventful for me and Jamie. I had thought my water had broken when I woke up so I immediately called my doctor. However, after a few hours at the hospital we realized it was a false alarm and baby James wasn't ready to come out yet. I'm still dilated to a 3 and my doctor said he's sitting even lower than he was Tuesday. All good signs but still no clue when the BIG day will happen.
Last night I tossed and turned. Very uncomfortable and lots of pelvic pain and constant mild back pain. I keep thinking "Today is the day!" but nothing ever happens. Praying he will come soon...ready to be back to normal.
Jamie has been doing most of the cooking lately...which is why I haven't posted any recipes. I still have managed to make his breakfast and lunches on our food prep days so he only has to worry about dinner. Hopefully, I can keep this up till I go into labor but standing for a few hours cooking is less than ideal right now.
Anyways, I will keep everyone posted if anything changes...
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Thursday, January 9, 2014
"Perfect mom"....?
As most of my family and friends know I've had a difficult week. Discouraged and exhausted are two words that come to mind. Your body getting ready for labor can leave you quite hormonal and emotional in the last few days. I worry most about being able to take care of a newborn, being a good role model and raising Godly children, and overall just being a "perfect mom".
With all the expectations comes excitement from our family and friends. I know everyone wants him to be here NOW (trust do I). Every morning I wake up to several dozen emails and texts asking how I'm feeling and if I think today is the day. It has left me feeling inadequate and rushed. I know I can't do anything to get him here quicker but I feel like I am doing something wrong and he should be here NOW. I am so thankful to have so many people that genuinely care and are excited as we are to welcome baby Arnold into the world. I've realized that I need to just relax and enjoy my last few days of solitude and rest.
Yesterday, a light bulb went off and I knew what I should have been doing all along instead of wallowing in discouragement. I needed to be spending time meditating over scripture and being in prayer with God. I know the next few months I will be away from my church family and my daily quiet times with God will be few and far between. So...the last few days I've been soaking up all the time I can. I've been reflecting on what it truly means to be a "perfect mom" and studying scripture on what GOD (not everyone else) calls me to do as a mother and wife. Knowing that God has chosen me and blessed me to be a mother is so humbling.
I was led to read this book this week and it has been such an encouragement and so inspiring when I desperately needed it. The author talks about being a "Proverbs 31 Woman" and she gives so many great examples and tips to do this and what it truly means.
I also found great insight and encouragement on being a homemaker and how big of a responsibility and role that is. I get rude and sarcastic comments ALL time about not working and staying at home. I feel the judgment and stigma that is put on me. I have become somewhat private in discussing a lot of my parenting views with family and friends because of the backlash I've already been given.
Just my decision on cloth diapers caused such an uproar. I cannot tell you how many negative comments I've gotten on this (even from complete strangers). The decision for us strictly came down to money. Trust one wants to wash poopy diapers. :)
In the end, you have to do what is right for you and your family by seeking and asking God through prayer and scripture. I hope to share more tidbits on here what that means for our family but for now this soon-to-be momma is going to rest and relax.
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Green Smoothie
Baby Arnold Update:
Went to the doctor today and not much has changed. He said he "wouldn't be surprised if it was today" but to "not shoot him if it was next week" that is where we are at. I'm dilated to a 3 and 80% effaced. So we are getting closer. Praying for encouragement and strength to not let the aches and pains steal my joy. Thankful to be healthy!!!
Green Smoothie
8 oz. water
1/2 lemon (peeling and all)
1/2 banana
4 cups of baby spinach
1-2 cups of frozen fruit
1 Tbsp. flax oil (optional)
1-2 Tbsp. Stevia (optional)
I start out by blending my water, lemon, banana, stevia, and flax oil. I then add the spinach and blend till smooth. Lastly, add your frozen fruit (I prefer strawberries and mango's).
This is a simple meal that fills you up and you get loads of calcium and other vitamins. By just replacing one meal a day with this you're getting all your daily servings of fruits and vegetables AND it's under 150 calories. Most importantly...IT TASTES GOOD!!!
Sunday, January 5, 2014
Eating healthy on a budget...
Let me start by saying I do not use coupons. I wish I was one of those crazy coupon ladies and had a garage stockpile of food and toilet paper. BUT living in Walmart land restricts me from couponing. I DO use coupons occasionally on toiletries and such items but that's another story.
I also don't buy in bulk. Yes, it does save money but we are on a limited income and budget so I rarely am able to buy in bulk. The only thing I can really say I buy in "bulk" is eggs. We always buy the 30ct. eggs.
Living on one income has taught me a lot about budgeting and planning. I budget $75 a week for groceries and non-food items (toiletries and such). This means that on weeks I need shampoo or toilet paper I have to cut other areas. For example, I love to buy canned beans and minute maid brown rice (they just seem less starchy than when you cook it yourself). BUT I know that a box of minute maid rice will cost me $2.98 for 14oz. and a bag of loose rice costs $1.56 for 32oz. That is triple the cost!!! So, there are some weeks I know I have to go with price rather than convenience.
Buying fresh isn't always the cheapest. What I mean by this is always check the frozen aisles at the selection of vegetables. When making fajitas, quesadillas, or anything with onions and peppers I always buy frozen. I don't know why but bell peppers are EXPENSIVE. A big bag of mixed fruits (apples and oranges) aren't always the best way to go. A lot of those bags are $5-8+ and have less than 10 pieces of fruit. Go for bananas which are .54 cents a pound. That usually adds up to 5-7 bananas for around $2.50. Also, check to see what is in season (duh). I try to buy 2 fruits and 2 vegetables for the week to snack on. For example, this week I'm buying strawberries (splurge), bananas, green beans, and carrots.
You have to decide what you're willing to sacrifice. Trust will sacrifice something for something else. We would rather spend more of our budget on fresh veggies and fruit than on expensive cuts of meat. That means we eat a LOT of chicken.
ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS make a grocery list and plan your meals ahead of time. I can't stress this enough. I make a weekly menu and then make my grocery list. I am weird and keep all my Walmart receipts so I can look back and know prices and then plan accordingly. This helps me change my menu if needed or add things if I'm going to be under budget. The picture above is an example of my grocery list with prices. If prices have changed I'll take note (this is especially important when buying veggies and fruits since they are constantly changing).
I hope to post a lot more recipes and ideas on the blog for those interested...
Black Bean Chicken Quesadillas
This recipe is one of my hubby's favorite. We've seriously had this every week the last two months!!! I hope y'all enjoy...
Black Bean Chicken Quesadillas
6-8oz. of thawed chicken breast (this is usually 4-5 tenderloins)
1/2 can of black beans (no salt added or low sodium)
16oz. bag of frozen pepper stir-fry (birds eye)
1 1/3 cup of shredded cheddar cheese
8 whole wheat/whole grain flour tortillas
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. black pepper
1 tsp. chili powder (give or take depending on how spicy you like)
Optional: sour cream, avocado, salsa, and lettuce
4 large quesadillas
Calories 409 (per quesadilla)
Cost per serving: $2.07
To make these it's super simple. First, add seasonings to chicken and cook in a skillet (you may need to add a few tablespoons of water to keep it from sticking but try to stay away from the olive oil if you're counting calories). Then, shred or chop up your chicken and set aside. Now you are ready to sauté your pepper stir-fry mix in a large skillet until soft and all moisture has been absorbed. Next, drain and rinse your black beans. Lastly, you are ready to assemble and cook your quesadillas. We have a George Foreman Quesadilla Maker (we are fancy like that) but you can do these in a skillet as well. If you are cooking in a skillet just be sure to spray your skillet with non-stick spray and to cook evenly on both sides (about 3 minutes per side on medium-high heat). Garnish with lettuce, avocado, salsa, or sour cream.
Black Bean Chicken Quesadillas
6-8oz. of thawed chicken breast (this is usually 4-5 tenderloins)
1/2 can of black beans (no salt added or low sodium)
16oz. bag of frozen pepper stir-fry (birds eye)
1 1/3 cup of shredded cheddar cheese
8 whole wheat/whole grain flour tortillas
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. black pepper
1 tsp. chili powder (give or take depending on how spicy you like)
Optional: sour cream, avocado, salsa, and lettuce
4 large quesadillas
Calories 409 (per quesadilla)
Cost per serving: $2.07
To make these it's super simple. First, add seasonings to chicken and cook in a skillet (you may need to add a few tablespoons of water to keep it from sticking but try to stay away from the olive oil if you're counting calories). Then, shred or chop up your chicken and set aside. Now you are ready to sauté your pepper stir-fry mix in a large skillet until soft and all moisture has been absorbed. Next, drain and rinse your black beans. Lastly, you are ready to assemble and cook your quesadillas. We have a George Foreman Quesadilla Maker (we are fancy like that) but you can do these in a skillet as well. If you are cooking in a skillet just be sure to spray your skillet with non-stick spray and to cook evenly on both sides (about 3 minutes per side on medium-high heat). Garnish with lettuce, avocado, salsa, or sour cream.
Saturday, January 4, 2014
Still no baby...
Well folks we are still waiting for this baby to come. I had a lot of cramping today and was hoping it meant labor was coming. BUT nothing yet. Feeling very tired and miserable. Praying for relief soon and getting all the rest I can these last few days.
I'll be posting some recipes tomorrow! Check back soon...
I'll be posting some recipes tomorrow! Check back soon...
Friday, January 3, 2014
Cheap Freezer Breakfast Meals
One thing I learned in 2013 is living frugally, preparing meals ahead of time keeps you on track, AND planning ahead. Hopefully, I can share some tips and tricks that help our family eat cheaply but more importantly healthier.
Breakfast Burritos
16 oz. egg whites
1 Red bell pepper
224g turkey sausage
112g shredded cheddar cheese
8 whole grain/whole wheat tortillas
8 burritos
Calories 202.25
Fat 8.5g
Carbs 12.75g
Protein 20.25g
Cost per serving: $1.25

Egg McMuffins
1 package of whole wheat/whole grain English muffins
6 slices of cheese (preferably fat-free or 2%)
6 slices of Canadian bacon
6 eggs
6 Muffins
Calories 242
Fat 7.3g
Carbs 28.2g
Protein 18g
Cost per serving: .80 cents
These are super simple to make and prepare. I actually bake my eggs in a muffin tin to get perfect round eggs AND for time saving purposes. I bake my eggs at 350 for 12 minutes. As the eggs are cooking go ahead and toast your muffins. Next, your ready to assemble. Wrap each muffin in a paper towel and then foil. Place in freezer safe ziplock bag. Freeze. To prepare, microwave for 90 seconds (give or take). Just like the burritos you can make a wide variation using turkey bacon, sausage, or even adding onion, peppers, etc. to your eggs.
These are excellent for on the go. Jamie usually leaves our house fairly early to workout at the gym so he can put these in his bag and microwave once he gets to work. The biggest plus to making these at home is the savings. Whether you buy frozen already made or go through the drive-thru...the savings usually are up to 65%. For example, my egg mcmuffin costs .80 cents where as McDonald's would cost you close to $4!!!
Most people aren't too concerned with cost...they just want to know they are eating healthier (especially this time of year while everyone is on the diet craze). So for the people looking at the homemade muffins are less in calories, fat, and protein. Actually, half the fat!!! Proof is in the pudding... ;)
Thursday, January 2, 2014
Baby Arnold Update:
Still waiting for the little one to come today. I know my body has made progress and it's getting ready. I probably didn't help myself by staying in bed all day BUT at this point it could be the very last day I'll ever get to lay in bed in a quiet house with nothing to do and no one to take care of.
I think every day I have about 5-10 "suggestions" on how to start labor. I can say I've tried walking for long periods, eating 50 pounds of pineapple (give or take), and various other things. Tomorrow I'm off to try another tip two people gave me recently which is really going to be hard...getting a PEDICURE. Ha! I'm happy with whatever date he decides to come but this momma is getting so excited to meet her little boy!
Still waiting for the little one to come today. I know my body has made progress and it's getting ready. I probably didn't help myself by staying in bed all day BUT at this point it could be the very last day I'll ever get to lay in bed in a quiet house with nothing to do and no one to take care of.
I think every day I have about 5-10 "suggestions" on how to start labor. I can say I've tried walking for long periods, eating 50 pounds of pineapple (give or take), and various other things. Tomorrow I'm off to try another tip two people gave me recently which is really going to be hard...getting a PEDICURE. Ha! I'm happy with whatever date he decides to come but this momma is getting so excited to meet her little boy!
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
I cannot believe it's January 1st already! What an amazing year 2013 was for Jamie and I. We graduated, celebrated 1 year of marriage, and found out we're going to be a family of THREE. I am pretty sure 2014 will be even better with the arrival of baby Arnold and a new chapter for our little family. Praying we continue to put God first in all our endeavors this year and He continues to bless us.
I usually set some goals for myself each year and "try" to be realistic. This year I am just praying for the ability to be a good mother, make healthier decisions for me and my family, and be a better steward with the money God has given us. Oh and not let six plus loads of laundry pile up at one time...ha! That last one is probably unrealistic!!!
Baby Arnold Update:
We are still waiting on our precious bundle of joy to arrive. As of yesterday, the doctor predicted within less than 10 days he will be here! I can hardly contain the excitement and joy that is occurring at our house right now. We are ready to meet him, hold him, and shower him with love. Until then, momma is running around the house cleaning every solid inch. :)
I usually set some goals for myself each year and "try" to be realistic. This year I am just praying for the ability to be a good mother, make healthier decisions for me and my family, and be a better steward with the money God has given us. Oh and not let six plus loads of laundry pile up at one time...ha! That last one is probably unrealistic!!!
Baby Arnold Update:
We are still waiting on our precious bundle of joy to arrive. As of yesterday, the doctor predicted within less than 10 days he will be here! I can hardly contain the excitement and joy that is occurring at our house right now. We are ready to meet him, hold him, and shower him with love. Until then, momma is running around the house cleaning every solid inch. :)
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