James has been busy these days getting into anything and everything. I never knew how quickly a house could be destroyed until he came along. Ha! This week we have been busy getting into the kitchen cabinets. Let's just say the crockpot didn't make it...
He also loves climbing! However, he hasn't figured out the getting down process. I thought it was pretty clever of him to open his train table drawer and use it has a foot step!
We have been practicing our shapes and colors this week too! He thinks every shape is "OOOh-val" and the color "BU-oo" but hey I'm just happy he can put the pieces back where they go. :)
A BIG thanks to our friend Jennifer who got this Thomas the Train tent for him. He loves climbing inside, knocking it over, and basically sitting on it. Ha!
I love that in every picture he's in mismatched outfits. Clothes never last long with toddlers (his or mine). One of those things you give up on at this stage. I love my little red headed boy!!! He's at such a fun stage right now. He keeps me on my toes but I wouldn't trade it for anything. :)