We are still in shock and disbelief that God has surprised us with this special gift! We're truly joyful and thankful for the opportunity to be parents. Jamie and I have always wanted children but had a feeling it may not happen as easily as others. Little did we know...
Questions we've been asked in the last few weeks:
1. Was this pregnancy planned?
No, but it was a joyous surprise!
2. How did you tell Jamie?
I think my husband knew before me. With his persuasion I went and bought every test available and actually STILL thought there is no way I could be pregnant. I didn't have any symptoms and I was on the pill. I took the first test and thought nothing of it. I was folding laundry and went back to the bathroom to find a positive result. To say I was in shock would be an understatement. I then took every single test I had to ensure it was correct. They were all the same!!! I called Jamie at work and just blurted it out. He was so excited and just kept saying..."I KNEW IT!!!".
3. When is your due date?
Baby Arnold will be here in January!
4. Are you having any symptoms yet?
I have been very fortunate and have had only mild symptoms. This whole pregnancy I've had no appetite. I've been nauseous and the lack of hunger and eating has led to headaches. But no morning sickness...YET!
5. Do you want a boy or girl?
Boy! I think my friends and family are shocked by this but Jamie and I BOTH want a boy for our first.